Here we are on track towards Kignan, where he is a large cotton mill. During the dry season, the truck before we left a big cloud of dust behind him. Must not exceed more. In 1986, I arrived in Bamako at the same time a young German. He started to Gao. When I returned to the capital, I found seriously injured on a stretcher to the hostel. On the track, the car he was overtaking a truck wanted. The dust has prevented them to collect a vehicle from the opposite direction: a frontal collision. He was still alive and on morphine, returned the next day by plane. Why him and not me? I did so kilometers by plane, car, behind the bike without a helmet in Bamako: never an accident! It is a grace of the Lord, that I still have a job to do. Pray for safety on the roads, to caution drivers. With us too!
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