Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bromothymol Blue On Fish


He started snowing when I left Belgium. Plus: I even heard a clap of thunder when I was driving our daughter Christine to school. For me, a sign: God wants to talk! Takeoff from Paris, we passed over the Sierra Nevada and the Atlas much snow, then landing in Bamako at 21 h 07. Always 31 ° C. It was dark. Down on the tarmac, I walked a hundred meters to the terminal. No problems at customs, and Caleb was there to greet me. Good reunion: I had reviewed at the inauguration of the church Zambilala in 2002, but only a few seconds of the hundreds of guests. Now we have time together. On arrival at the Guest House, Ely pastors and Peter were already present, and a Dutch family, an issue not to forget my mother tongue! "I'm home" is what I wrote in my journal. Finally, it must still get used a bit: the heat in the room, the call to prayer at about 4 am, mosquitoes around the bed (I sprayed, but many have survived). The next day, I walked to the bridge nearby King Fahd: lots of cars and especially people on a motorbike, it's very colorful! But there is also the pollution of all his gear and wood fires for cooking: a serious problem in all cities. There is work to do!


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