Thursday, February 23, 2006

Places To Eat In Nj To Celebrate Birthday

Evangelization Kignan

Kignan is a town 80 km north-east of Sikasso. We're here 50 km from the nearest church, which is why the District has organized an evangelistic effort for several weeks. Here is the team composed of several ministers and some other Christians. We screened the movie "Jesus" in a village during the time of change reels I preached on the miraculous catch. The next day we walked into town, causing several places with people. At school (primary and secondary 3 years) we met the manager who told us that he is not Christian! There are a lot of openness. In total, more than 20 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Project: District wants to build a manse. Thus, a pastor will be there, will make a work of evangelization and may surround the young Christians. It is in total € 10,900 to build the house, will you help?


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