Thursday, February 23, 2006

Ceiling Fan Regulators Connection

A meeting after 23 years! A historic site

Here in Oradara on the road to Bobo in Sikasso, I met Siaka Traore (right on the picture, now pastor of Mennonite Churches) in 1982 during my first trip in sub-Saharan Africa. I was traveling with my backpack, in the bush taxi on a poorly maintained track. I was still célébataire as Siaka at this time. He was already active as a young Christian in the small town library, a courageous witness to Christ. We lost sight of, until we meet again in 2002 when I was passing in Ouagadougou for the dedication of the Church of Komsilga. I first met his wife when I boarded the bus in Bobo-Dioulasso to Ouagadougou. What surprised me there Indeed, knowing only the name of the company and time of departure. In 2005, it was my turn to surprise Siaka: returning to Sikasso we stopped at Orodara. We've found Siaka the same place where we met there 23! This was not planned in the program, thank you Lord for your wink !


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