N'Kourala is a small sub-prefecture along the tar. The veterinarian Adama Coulibaly gave a remarkable testimony, praying for many patients. Some were cured and a small house church began with only twenty people, including children! The Church has often found Farakala evangelize, but the population remained indifferent. In 1998, we have screened the movie "Jesus" into two parties: no one has converted. Yet the District has sent the young pastor Pierre Coulibaly, who is a true evangelist, but there has been no visible progress. When I returned in 2002, the Church organized a great night of evangelism. The choir sang for 2 hours, Pastor welcomed the people and preached in front of 300 people. Tonight, 15 people are given to the Lord! What a blessing: Peter was the shock! On this occasion, we planted the tangerine: there was little sign of the Church which began as a small plant that will grow and bear much fruit. Here the mandarin in 2005: well protected by the pastor, because this tree is a prophetic sign. Goats do not have access. Soon he will begin to bear fruit, as young Christians who turn to the Lord. Plus: fruit will further produce other mandarin elsewhere. The Christians of N'Kourala witnesses who will also create new churches elsewhere!
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