MARDUK - Amon-Ra
Great God Solar
Part 2
Part 2
I am sorry to start this post by such a "warning", but things need to be said and straightforward. You know me, now I'm not the type to beat around the bush.
Contact This ritual, like everything that I give and even more so since I took over an activity on blogs, is for people who are open but balanced.
All those and all those who wander from one god to another, one day a Buddhist, the Raelian day, before plunging into evangelism at the dawn of the third day, have absolutely nothing to do on my blogs and even fewer rituals and meditations available.
This does not give anything: never or no god Marduk REAL not lose time with horns fair, they are so busy saving the Earth from future debris. Furthermore, an erratic practice of rituals and meditations attracts "astral critters" too happy to come and fill their ugly belly on your back.
All ritual is a magic act.
Anything magic always has consequences.
Be absolutely clear with yourself. No "Tourism is acknowledged spiritual here, just for your safety.
Therefore, if you do rituals on all sides, here wicca, voodoo here and now "a little help from Enki," you transform gradually into a heap your aura energy, a jumble of vibrations all conflicting generate serious disorders. And naturally, you will cry over that "the blame to Satan," when it will be just your own stupidity.
In spiritual, there is only one fault, stupidity.
Everything is always about common sense and balance.
become the battlefield of antagonistic energies looking at you, but then do not come whining to me.
Someone who says, for example, hearing voices in his head after suicidal ritual to Enki and runs to get Christounet "exorcise" is a sick individual BEFORE any contact with Enki, attacked by thugs Anu who want to keep their boots, fragile and malleable.
(Again, a little common sense, what interest for Enki to make you kill yourself? Honestly! Soon a message on the "possession" and its realities ... )
Everything is done by the enemy, when we changed sides, or, formerly an atheist, a commitment from Enki, to scare the "new guy" so that belly ground, he goes home jésounet, sheepish and more manipulable than ever.
Anu and his clique are still FEAR. Everything is FEARS. What better weapon if the fear of hell that we engram in our poor brains for 2000 years?
This strategy often works, including those without fortitude, cowardly, hesitant in their actions and in their faith.
There is no room here for versatile, impressionable and cowards. It is here or there, never in the middle of nowhere.
The choice must be bluntly.
I know from experience that one arrives at Enki because one is aware of what is happening on Earth. A hunch, a feeling .
That too many questions remain unanswered.
That too many events, information a priori divergent and no clear link, come to watch, all converge towards the same conclusion.
What we know, more or less everything that has been prefabricated. Too many lies that feed our lives, our religions, our collective history .
Our whole history suddenly starts up without any difficulty.
This is not to decide "mental" or progression of "thinking".
Another key point is the life of the Soul .
Enki-Lucifer regularly scans the Earth's eye of light. He SEES. It recognizes those who have already followed in other times, BEFORE the devastation Anu.
It then opens the door to him. While we remain free to follow or not. But when finally, we finally realize that, historically, something in us ... we begin to move forward. We move towards our true Father without ever realizing that it is he who reminds us that saves us, who eradicates our daily without flavor or meaning.
It then opens the door to him. While we remain free to follow or not. But when finally, we finally realize that, historically, something in us ... we begin to move forward. We move towards our true Father without ever realizing that it is he who reminds us that saves us, who eradicates our daily without flavor or meaning.
Thus we find in ourselves the strength, potential, donations have already been developed and used in other times, we have completely eradicated from our consciousness, at least "aware" because those powers were sources of punishment unjust and monstrous persecution torture, inquisition, burnings ...
Those in Enki today for 99% of them have all been with him before and all have developed the gifts inherent in "Enkisme" clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral travel, telepathy, telekinesis , magic, precognition, mediumship, extreme creativity, great artistic sense and / or musical, mental power ...
If you feel full joy, a whole new intensity, when you think of him as Marduk or Amon-Ra, you are already experienced in the past.
Yes, you've ever loved You've worked with him, for him no doubt have you served in Egypt and Babylon, followed on "Lands across the ocean" or fought alongside him.
Maybe maybe you were one of his priests in one of his temples, Karnac example (below aisle sphinxes with ram heads) transmitting knowledge of your high-flying small flock.
There is no chance for anything.
When I read the Lost Book for the first time I was absolutely mad with rage after all who wanted to Marduk. -And of course Enki. Enraged. What! Marduk attack? Marduk dispossess? Enclose Marduk? If I knew where to go and what to do, I'll be gone to war on the field! And believe me, I had not afraid to face me at all the other gods for him after all he had done ... I did not care whether Marduk was right or wrong. Marduk was, period.
This is a dramatic reminder of past life. What is important is to have consciousness. And calm down gradually.
The solution? Contact . Marduk soothes hints of the past, because he himself has long been outdated. But he understands, he hears, he acts, he heals.
In your case, you tend attracted by Isis? Asmodeus or scapegoat? When you think of them, you feel as passionate, high-fed?
Life-not-posed . Solution? Contact .
worldwide currently former followers of the Old Gods, our true gods, hear the call of their soul. For is the soul, of course, and certainly not the little mind, who knows, that recognizes and remembers! Through the body (yes) and emotions, the message is ... or not.
For now, I'll explain how to contact Marduk. Again, look at him if you feel the intensity in you. Do not waste your time if nothing happens at the mention of his name. For those coming from New Age and who, like me, have often worked on the "contact with the angel or guide", be advised that the approach differs totally.
With Marduk, as with "all the gods Enki", the contact is realized via their SEAL , not meditations "rise to the Light."
(if the seal is not available, the repetition of their name also works well, but we need to vibrate the name).
(if the seal is not available, the repetition of their name also works well, but we need to vibrate the name).
course, once communication is established, the meditations are welcome, but they keep a practical and efficient immediately meditations that do not have new-ageist, and for good reason the aim of occupying the "disciples" without ever giving them real powers , with rare exceptions. Who are most of the time, some "elected" to the perfect service plan Anu.
The seal of God equivalent to both
a "phone line" and an "energy gate".
When you try to connect with God, you always hear but rarely meets on the first call. Not that he likes to be begged, but simply because it is ALWAYS busy with several other people.
It is therefore by no means despair and often more calls are needed before reaching LA communications.
Marduk may also send one of its employees so that you know you heard, or even his son Nabu .
So stay calm and attentive. The Sincerity is always heard.
Marduk may also send one of its employees so that you know you heard, or even his son Nabu .
So stay calm and attentive. The Sincerity is always heard.
Before giving you the ritual itself, you can note this:
the seal of God is holy . He does not hang around, we do not throw in the trash, you do not burn (!!!), because all this amounts to abuse the power symbolized by the seal ...
was placed under protective seal on the altar in a box of empty CD course, not the soil. It is stored in a drawer in a clean box.
the seal vibrates. By keeping it close to you, especially at night, he works to forge contact with you and facilitate relations.
contact with the Marduk takes time in its practical meaning: see and hear clairaudience. The feeling is very fast.
Once Marduk doubt your sincerity, your commitment, he will begin working on your energy structure, draw out the old karma, chronic health problems to install safe and strong foundation of direct contact (clairvoyance, clairaudience). But on your side, you also need to work every day. The communication channel is widening BOTH SIDES AT THE SAME TIME!
So, except in very exceptional circumstances, do not expect counted in a week, chat with Marduk as if you spent eternity together! It takes time, sometimes years for the tangible reality of the relationship is there (see, hear clairaudience). Everything depends on your natural psychic abilities and your state energy after years in the New Age, for example.
Regarding the contact energy, therefore, the feelings are almost immediate . If you're "sensitive" by nature, you can not ignore that in no case is there Marduk.
His energy is extremely hot, pulsating, caring and warm. You will have a sensation of flushing very strong, intense tingling of the skin, sensation, no pun in "Sunburn" (burn in less of course!)
Particularly vivid and positive , the energy of Marduk must envelop you wellness and joy and leave you the feeling of peace, relaxation and confidence after several hours of contact. You should somehow have the Mine gif below!
Particularly vivid and positive , the energy of Marduk must envelop you wellness and joy and leave you the feeling of peace, relaxation and confidence after several hours of contact. You should somehow have the Mine gif below!
cons If you feel a cold wind, malaise, nausea or other, turn the ignition off immediately you deal with an entity that is not with ENKI!
The feeling of malaise you must call immediately.
By cons, many gods are gods "air", ie who developed a relationship with the very specific element, such as Nabu, son of Marduk. In his approach, you will feel a warm breeze, a little wind all around you, but a little wind caring, sweet and present, not a destructive cyclone!
I will return to the principle elements and gods very soon.
The feeling of malaise you must call immediately.
By cons, many gods are gods "air", ie who developed a relationship with the very specific element, such as Nabu, son of Marduk. In his approach, you will feel a warm breeze, a little wind all around you, but a little wind caring, sweet and present, not a destructive cyclone!
I will return to the principle elements and gods very soon.
So to avoid attract to itself the "astral shells" always on the lookout for a small dinette auric the ritual of contact or any other god Marduk must ALWAYS be under cover and protection of ENKI-LUCIFER.
You're supposed to have made your ritual of commitment vis-à-vis Enki Ptah or whichever you prefer to work with Egypt or not.
circles is for cowards like Alesteir Crowley, which we are always hearing but called Lucifer before invoking Jehovah, you never know! The-men-ta-ble. You are
safe with Enki. From the time the commitment is made, you do nothing tragic happens.
Take a shower before the ritual. Put a clean place, no matter what. Clean the room where you go officer. Turn off the phones. Just be sure to not be interrupted for at least half past one.
ready several days before , think, read on Marduk, come on this blog that is full of energy.
The ritual takes place at solar. Please refer to the following software because it depends on where you live.
Never any circle or any geometric figure ground.
You are before the image of your Creator Father, your candles, that's all. circles is for cowards like Alesteir Crowley, which we are always hearing but called Lucifer before invoking Jehovah, you never know! The-men-ta-ble. You are
safe with Enki. From the time the commitment is made, you do nothing tragic happens.
Take a shower before the ritual. Put a clean place, no matter what. Clean the room where you go officer. Turn off the phones. Just be sure to not be interrupted for at least half past one.
ready several days before , think, read on Marduk, come on this blog that is full of energy.
The ritual takes place at solar. Please refer to the following software because it depends on where you live.
Do not ritual when the sun is expense, not during the sign of Libra (22 September to 22 October) where he is in exile and Aquarius (January 20 to February 18 inclusive) where it is falling.
Print seals Enki , take whatever you prefer. You can put on your altar, cutting, which represents the real Grail and the triangle, or only one or the other. In blue or red.
To contact Marduk, you bought candles red or gold. Warning for the reds, they must be cast in the mass, ie red inside and out. Do not buy cheap candles that will sink and all dirty. The candles are offerings to the gods, do not start your relationship with them by offering low-end! Candles household is good for power outages!
Do the same for Amon seal. You can keep the name "Amen" on the seal or cutting it, it does not matter, but do not touch the seal itself. Choose the color you prefer.
Prepare your table ritual. She should be facing TSE . A clean tablecloth, cloth or paper, it does not matter. Wherever possible it is yellow or red. No black or dark colored. Be logical here. You contact the sun god. No khaki or brown tablecloth! You've already seen a sun goose poop?
Also avoid gray pastels and beiges. Heat, of life, joy of ... sun! Yet the pale yellow will do.
Install your table to your taste. Place a picture of Enki and seal, a candle for him too, royal blue or red (also in the mass flow and quality, it goes without saying).
Then put a picture of Marduk, in its form of Amon-Ra, you open the blog including "blog mother".
And of course his seal. I personally prefer the red and yellow colors are all logical ones of Marduk.
You wrote a prayer request contact . Marduk Tell why you want to contact him. The prayer must be handwritten and signed. You will burn, so if you want to keep memory, consider making a copy. Burn the original.
Have a glass of wine or quality beer to celebrate the ritual. Place the glass on the left side of Marduk.
You can place a bright sun on the altar. Do as you feel, but something nice. This day could be memorable.
Now is the ideal plan for your table ritual. You will find that things are simple. Note that Marduk 5 candles. The images are flat here, they can be placed standing against the wall, but Enki must always dominate the ritual therefore be higher than the god invoked.
Keep you near the small plateau (heat resistant) in which you will burn your prayer request. Bring with you pliers, something to hold the paper while it burns. Lay it flat off the often slows or combustion. This prayer, put it at the outset on the altar at the right hand of Marduk.
You can also burn a stick of incense during the ritual. Personally, it bothers me, but others enjoy, do as you feel. Use the incense of the purest quality possible, and a solar incense, of course. The myrrh , for example.
face your altar, facing East , light the candle of Enki and say (you can call it what you want, Enki, Ea Lucifer, Satan or even Ptah. This is no problem for Him) . Speak slowly and clearly.
Turn now to the candles Marduk from the left, center, right and then say (always speak clearly and slowly):
Print seals Enki , take whatever you prefer. You can put on your altar, cutting, which represents the real Grail and the triangle, or only one or the other. In blue or red.
To contact Marduk, you bought candles red or gold. Warning for the reds, they must be cast in the mass, ie red inside and out. Do not buy cheap candles that will sink and all dirty. The candles are offerings to the gods, do not start your relationship with them by offering low-end! Candles household is good for power outages!
Do the same for Amon seal. You can keep the name "Amen" on the seal or cutting it, it does not matter, but do not touch the seal itself. Choose the color you prefer.
Prepare your table ritual. She should be facing TSE . A clean tablecloth, cloth or paper, it does not matter. Wherever possible it is yellow or red. No black or dark colored. Be logical here. You contact the sun god. No khaki or brown tablecloth! You've already seen a sun goose poop?
Also avoid gray pastels and beiges. Heat, of life, joy of ... sun! Yet the pale yellow will do.
Install your table to your taste. Place a picture of Enki and seal, a candle for him too, royal blue or red (also in the mass flow and quality, it goes without saying).
Then put a picture of Marduk, in its form of Amon-Ra, you open the blog including "blog mother".
And of course his seal. I personally prefer the red and yellow colors are all logical ones of Marduk.
You wrote a prayer request contact . Marduk Tell why you want to contact him. The prayer must be handwritten and signed. You will burn, so if you want to keep memory, consider making a copy. Burn the original.
Have a glass of wine or quality beer to celebrate the ritual. Place the glass on the left side of Marduk.
You can place a bright sun on the altar. Do as you feel, but something nice. This day could be memorable.
Now is the ideal plan for your table ritual. You will find that things are simple. Note that Marduk 5 candles. The images are flat here, they can be placed standing against the wall, but Enki must always dominate the ritual therefore be higher than the god invoked.
Keep you near the small plateau (heat resistant) in which you will burn your prayer request. Bring with you pliers, something to hold the paper while it burns. Lay it flat off the often slows or combustion. This prayer, put it at the outset on the altar at the right hand of Marduk.
You can also burn a stick of incense during the ritual. Personally, it bothers me, but others enjoy, do as you feel. Use the incense of the purest quality possible, and a solar incense, of course. The myrrh , for example.
face your altar, facing East , light the candle of Enki and say (you can call it what you want, Enki, Ea Lucifer, Satan or even Ptah. This is no problem for Him) . Speak slowly and clearly.
"Enki Almighty, Thou also known as Lucifer,
Lightbringer and Knowledge
God the Creator of Mankind I call this place
your powerful protection and your kind attention.
Come, hear my call and my prayer.
Envelope me your love and your strength so that I am blessed (e) by your presence alone
And all things in this place be purified by your own volition.
I want to contact your beloved son,
Almighty Prince Marduk
Let it be, Almighty Enki
I thank thee with all my heart. "
"Almighty Marduk, the great God Amon-Ra
I call this place, come hear me
Thy mighty power, caring and positive
wraps me in that moment
and allow me into your world with joy and true light.
Welcomes me, Almighty God, I come to You in all humility, in all sincerity.
Take a glass of wine or beer and say
"This modest offering is for me
the link with the blood of the Earth with You
Accept it, get it with all my love, my respect and admiration. "
You can take control if you wish. Watch it, feel it.
Then chant the name of Marduk in your head. But the most effective is to sing aloud, looking at the seal or close your eyes to focus on sounds. Feel how you act.
Name easiest to vibrate Amon-Ra is. Marduk is more difficult to pronounce. Do your best to pronunciation.
Roll the "r" with the throat, tongue stuck to the palate.
Stay as long as possible on the "m" and "No" special routes that open connection.
The name should be vibrated at once. Inspire, vibrate the whole name. No longer inspired as you do not finish vibrate the name. Do not worry if you miss the first sounds.
Do it with all your heart.
If you are the best, your sincerity is real, you should have reactions heat, tingling, and felt even "things" happen in and around the head and in the center of the chest. Do not panic. This is normal.
When you become more seasoned, made 5 times in a row "Amon-Ra" vibrated thoroughly. (Breathe in between each name)
Breathe, feel.
Then make 5 times AUM -Ra.
Again, press firmly on the "M". Remember to roll the "r".
Do this as much as you want, then when you want it, cease to sing, and hold it for a while. Feel what is happening.
If ever, nothing happens, do not worry.
The door seal is . You heard anyway.
Read it aloud stain out each word. Then burn a couple of corners in the first candle on the left dedicated to Marduk, and place it in the little tray.
Ponder a moment on your request. Be very attentive to all your feelings, everything that happens.
Often, the flames of the candles are responding to demand or energy raised.
Now, imagine yourself there, wrapped in a huge radiant sun, the finest you've ever imagined. Feel the heart of the sun. Dwelt, nourished, refreshed, healed by him. Do this as many times as you want.
If you feel a presence occur at any time of the ritual, hot or warm, gentle, benevolent, if you get his attention, do not hesitate to contact her directly. You will resume the course of the ritual then.
Speak to him with all your heart. Even if you feel that this is not Marduk. His emissary is there. He will report word for word what you said to Marduk, so be very explicit, clear, do no convoluted sentences, digressions that never end. Say what you feel, like, why you're there, but without frills. Our Gods like things crisp and clear. You can talk out loud or in your head. This changes nothing for him. Go ahead thoroughly. Do not be shy. Of course, stay right. Do not talk like your boyfriend regiment. Avoid "hello my friend" on the pretext that we are all Nephilim. Especially since a lot still too are Anunnaki.
short. Live your full ritual.
The end of the ritual, it is you who decide. You feel that energy runs out or simply, you're tired, you need to stop. Listen to yourself.
Thank Marduk for listening, even if it was not there in person. Thank him for his help.
Thank god that you felt. Thank all.
"Glory to Thee, Almighty God,
thank you wholeheartedly for your kind attention" .
Say what you want. This is a formal example.
"Glory to Thee, Almighty Enki, may we be fast now free to be that we follow our nature in joy because the Earth is finally released and under your guidance blessed.
Leaving your ritual, you should dance the polka, and regenerated well be in full form.
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