Halfway between "Buena Vista Social Club" and a film by Tony Gatlif, "Cuba Feliz" follows the lives of Gallo, a street singer, wandering melancholy musical Messiah leads us to the informal meeting of musicians from Cuba, most touching and talented one than others.
A hat, a guitar case and a cigar are the only attributes that frail little creature carries with him. The rest is called the experience, exchange and sharing. We then discover the true face of this small piece of land known as Cuba, a tiny island with a turbulent history, inhabited by a population brewed possible. Through Music, the official religion, one can only fall in love with these people who seem to have chosen what is better. Only Mexican music, which seems rather bland and redundant at times, the "Cuban style" includes all musical genres, opening even on a kind of rap tribal organized form of battle. Old and young people confront and come in only by osmosis through music. Even if you do not understand English, just to observe the expressions of the singers and musicians to identify words.
More than just a documentary, "Cuba Feliz" is a lesson in the world. Due to the modesty of its inhabitants, who are content with nothing to live and seem more than happy. Due to the tolerance that prevails when the age difference, gender and skin color are just better in multiples to give birth to a substrate of the most exquisite. Finally, apart from paying tribute to the music by giving voice (sung) with real musicians with a heavy heart.
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