The first site, the Genesis story of CENSORSHIP.
The apparitions of the Blessed Mother in Fatima, like a heavy s guides to the 153, think and make your statement.
The Marian apparitions at Lourdes in 1858 are governed by the number 153, both in the number of days in the structures of sentences imposed. Among these are that the Virgin appeared eighteen times and it runs 153 days between the second and final event of 14 February 1858 to 16 July 1858 a total of 17 appearances in that interval.
the Virgin appeared 18 times was heavy.
Eighteen times = (t1 reverse) 153 153
symbolizes the universality, the divine number. The number
celeste (result alpha T1) equals 153.
My brothers and sisters, there is no longer the chance.
In Portugal, the apparitions of the Virgin is measured with the 153.
time of 153 days is one of the manifestations of Fatima from May 13 to October 13, 1917, where the Virgin Mary is presented as the Lady of the Rosary.
centcinquantetrois - The language of the Matrix.
3 5 14 20 3 9 14 17 21 1 14 20 5 20 18 15 19 September
The addition of the 18 words is the 227 th day of the year.
August 15 "Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin"
The composition of the Rosary Catholic is highly symbolic. This word must be taken literally original.Le number 153 (Ave) is the development of number 17
(16 Pater and Credo 1) or 170 in effect:
1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 + 7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 = 153
The virgin jesus = 153 - Anthony jesus = 153 (T1 inv)
We see the plans dieu.Marie Nazareth = 888 (jesus)
Another example of the matrix on the predestination.
3 locations Marian important.
Our Lady of Lourdes Fatima Guard = 888 (in Greek Jesus)
Fatima Portugal France = 999 the anti beast - 1998.
During a later chapter, I'll be back on the 3 rd fatima.Autour secret of the book "Our Lady of the Apocalypse"
For Orthodox - The holy mother of god = 153
The Holy Spirit and his gifts are represented by 7, and 10 represents the law achieved by the grace of the Holy Spirit, forming 17 total. Adding the numbers 1 to 17, obtient au total 153, nombre qui figure les fidèles et les saints admis au paradis où Dieu les récompense. 153 symbolise ainsi l'ensemble des rachetés. Saint Augustin va dans le même sens en affirmant qu'il symbolise la totalité des élus.
La Salutation angélique, l'Ave Maria, en latin comprend 153 lettres :
Ave Maria, gratis plena (19)
Dominus Tecum (12)
Benedicta tu in mulieribus (23)
(et) Benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus (32)
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei (19)
Ora pro nobis, peccatoribus (23)
Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae (25)
It does not take into account 'and' in 'and Benedictus' any euphonic combination, while the second' and 'in' and in hora Nunc, expressly links the present and the future.
The expression "Word of the Lord" in Greek, Aogoz curiou, number 153 using the gematria in "n", 1 +15 +3 +15 +6 +22 +20 +17 +9 +15 +20 = 153 , often begins the prayer of the Psalmist, intercalated in the speeches of Kings begins or completes the announcements of the prophets.
The expression "It [the] Lord" in Greek, [O] curioz estin, as a numerical value using the 153 in gematria in "n": 22 +20 +17 +9 +15 +6 +5 +18 +19 +9 +13 = 153. The "O" at the beginning is not counted.
The numerical value of Pope John Paul II, YVHNN PVLVS Shnier, gives 153 in gematria using the 'n': 10 +6 +8 +14 +14 = 52, 17 +6 +12 +6 +15 = 56 14 and 21 +10 = 45. So 52 56 45 = 153
Our alphabet has 26 letters, which correspond to the value of the Name of the LORD hebreu.TETRAGRAMMATON (YOD-HE-VAU-HE-10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26 Hebrew value)
2 + 26 = 351-1. 26 = $ 153 provides combinatorial 351.Les 1998.
D mathematical remarkable examples.
Jesus = 888 (8) 3 + (8) 3 + (8) 3
512 + 512 + 512 = 1536
(1) 3 + (5) 3 + (3) 3 + (6) 3
1 + 125 + 27 + 216 = 369
369 -> 972 - >> 1080 ->> 513 ->> 153
The 153 is indeed the heavenly number, the key.
the inspiration is a man of his time and culture. It employs the language and has no knowledge other than that its milieu.L action of the Holy Spirit illuminates the ruling of the Prophet or the sacred writer and student at the height of the Judgement of God to say what God wants to communicate to men. Thus the prophetic and holy books that transmit Are they both actually written words and humans, directly accessible by a contemporary to them, and actually speak to God and divine Scriptures.
This design allows the game to respect human factors in Revelation: the personality and the human experience and religious prophet, his sources of information, culture, and especially the diversity of the prophets and the Scriptures during the history. The unit is at the level of inspiration, the Holy Spirit, which ensures continuity and consistency of inspiration through their diversity.
"Christ did not appear to rally majority opinions or comply with the correct thinking of his time. "
meaningful coincidences are thinkable as pure chance. But as they accumulate, the correspondence becomes more accurate and further, the probability decreases and they become more and more unthinkable, ie it can no longer be regarded as mere coincidence, but in the absence of any possibility of causal explanation must see in them the manifestations of an order ... (CG Jung, "Synchronicity, a principle of acausal relations.")
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