Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Toilet Flange For Lead Pipe


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The first site, the Genesis story of CENSORSHIP.

The apparitions of the Blessed Mother in Fatima, like a heavy s guides to the 153, think and make your statement.

The Marian apparitions at Lourdes in 1858 are governed by the number 153, both in the number of days in the structures of sentences imposed. Among these are that the Virgin appeared eighteen times and it runs 153 days between the second and final event of 14 February 1858 to 16 July 1858 a total of 17 appearances in that interval.

the Virgin appeared 18 times was heavy.

Eighteen times = (t1 reverse) 153 153

symbolizes the universality, the divine number. The number

celeste (result alpha T1) equals 153.

My brothers and sisters, there is no longer the chance.

In Portugal, the apparitions of the Virgin is measured with the 153.

time of 153 days is one of the manifestations of Fatima from May 13 to October 13, 1917, where the Virgin Mary is presented as the Lady of the Rosary.

centcinquantetrois - The language of the Matrix.
3 5 14 20 3 9 14 17 21 1 14 20 5 20 18 15 19 September

The addition of the 18 words is the 227 th day of the year.

August 15 "Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin"

The composition of the Rosary Catholic is highly symbolic. This word must be taken literally original.Le number 153 (Ave) is the development of number 17
(16 Pater and Credo 1) or 170 in effect:

1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 + 7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 = 153

The virgin jesus = 153 - Anthony jesus = 153 (T1 inv)

We see the plans dieu.Marie Nazareth = 888 (jesus)

Another example of the matrix on the predestination.

3 locations Marian important.

Our Lady of Lourdes Fatima Guard = 888 (in Greek Jesus)

Fatima Portugal France = 999 the anti beast - 1998.

During a later chapter, I'll be back on the 3 rd fatima.Autour secret of the book "Our Lady of the Apocalypse"


For Orthodox - The holy mother of god = 153

The Holy Spirit and his gifts are represented by 7, and 10 represents the law achieved by the grace of the Holy Spirit, forming 17 total. Adding the numbers 1 to 17, obtient au total 153, nombre qui figure les fidèles et les saints admis au paradis où Dieu les récompense. 153 symbolise ainsi l'ensemble des rachetés. Saint Augustin va dans le même sens en affirmant qu'il symbolise la totalité des élus.

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La Salutation angélique, l'Ave Maria, en latin comprend 153 lettres :

Ave Maria, gratis plena (19)

Dominus Tecum (12)

Benedicta tu in mulieribus (23)

(et) Benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus (32)

Sancta Maria, Mater Dei (19)

Ora pro nobis, peccatoribus (23)

Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae (25)

It does not take into account 'and' in 'and Benedictus' any euphonic combination, while the second' and 'in' and in hora Nunc, expressly links the present and the future.

The expression "Word of the Lord" in Greek, Aogoz curiou, number 153 using the gematria in "n", 1 +15 +3 +15 +6 +22 +20 +17 +9 +15 +20 = 153 , often begins the prayer of the Psalmist, intercalated in the speeches of Kings begins or completes the announcements of the prophets.

The expression "It [the] Lord" in Greek, [O] curioz estin, as a numerical value using the 153 in gematria in "n": 22 +20 +17 +9 +15 +6 +5 +18 +19 +9 +13 = 153. The "O" at the beginning is not counted.

The numerical value of Pope John Paul II, YVHNN PVLVS Shnier, gives 153 in gematria using the 'n': 10 +6 +8 +14 +14 = 52, 17 +6 +12 +6 +15 = 56 14 and 21 +10 = 45. So 52 56 45 = 153

Our alphabet has 26 letters, which correspond to the value of the Name of the LORD hebreu.TETRAGRAMMATON (YOD-HE-VAU-HE-10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26 Hebrew value)

2 + 26 = 351-1. 26 = $ 153 provides combinatorial 351.Les 1998.

D mathematical remarkable examples.

Jesus = 888 (8) 3 + (8) 3 + (8) 3

512 + 512 + 512 = 1536

(1) 3 + (5) 3 + (3) 3 + (6) 3

1 + 125 + 27 + 216 = 369

369 -> 972 - >> 1080 ->> 513 ->> 153

The 153 is indeed the heavenly number, the key.

the inspiration is a man of his time and culture. It employs the language and has no knowledge other than that its milieu.L action of the Holy Spirit illuminates the ruling of the Prophet or the sacred writer and student at the height of the Judgement of God to say what God wants to communicate to men. Thus the prophetic and holy books that transmit Are they both actually written words and humans, directly accessible by a contemporary to them, and actually speak to God and divine Scriptures.

This design allows the game to respect human factors in Revelation: the personality and the human experience and religious prophet, his sources of information, culture, and especially the diversity of the prophets and the Scriptures during the history. The unit is at the level of inspiration, the Holy Spirit, which ensures continuity and consistency of inspiration through their diversity.

"Christ did not appear to rally majority opinions or comply with the correct thinking of his time. "

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meaningful coincidences are thinkable as pure chance. But as they accumulate, the correspondence becomes more accurate and further, the probability decreases and they become more and more unthinkable, ie it can no longer be regarded as mere coincidence, but in the absence of any possibility of causal explanation must see in them the manifestations of an order ... (CG Jung, "Synchronicity, a principle of acausal relations.")

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A Acrostic Poem For Canadian

€ 5 000 cash for uros 3.14

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5,000 Euro Cash
A Code - A History - A matrix

Consciousness Mathematics overall cause code of the universe is according to some impossible to decipher, code Pi 3.14 shows the
chemin.Il seem possible to detect any variance
cyclical or structural in that code.

"Especially do not try, you might find something"

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Let us now examine the code .. Pi 3.14, are no longer ignorant.

So to be very simple, and make people who never read the Bible, made the parallel between the code and Pi the movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster, in a moment it must decode a codex, c ' is this link you should remember.

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A listen, the interview with Edgar Mitchell.

http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/edgar+mitchell/video/x8qchs_alien-revelation_tech / a>

Those who have the Bible for bedtime reading, no need for this trick there. For mathematicians, scientists or others, I offer a premium of EUR 5 000 to the person who will explain and argue Code 3.14, make a detour by gematria tables. "PLAYER OF THE BIBLE" = 153 999 1998

Spectacular, the power of the matrix.

"The prophet of numbers" - 222 666 1998
"The french revelation" - 222 666 1998
Pi three fourteen the message "- 315 999 1998
" The remains of the Heavenly Father "- 222 666 1998 The

t statistical chances are of these sequences after a report just submitted to by 2 statisticians "A statistical Impossibility! 1 / 3, 650,000,000

The 9 tables for 9 Paraclete truths.



The mystic is the key to the understanding.
No other year comes out, the buzz on the World Wide Web.

Here are two other codes in English, which demonstrates the uniqueness of the message (2004 years of Revelation)

"Six Hundred and sixty six jesus" 2004-1998.

Alphanumeric code jesus 222 666 1998

"A anthony the key to the matrix" 222 666 1998. All this al

using 9 Tables, alphanumerisation, no more.
No need to get lost in mathematical research.
We see, all the power of the message and numbers.
At the present time are in hebrew, english, french, corsica.

"The number is the key to the world. Any movement is subject to legislation. "

should know that I was guided on my calculator, and I got more and more I find new things. I had other codes as important as this one, I can not even reproduce, I'm not even remember. So if someone is interested in this Research Award, it must already have one, explain the presence of my date of birth on the number Pi (it appears several times on the number Pi)

today I give the Code Maggiore, are others.

All birth dates are present, you just bother to look.

So it will tell me what comes to my birthday there, explain my story. Refer to Site "ledoigtdedieu" to see what comes to my date of birth from 1998.

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1998 X 14.3 = (627.372)
date anti-beast 627 + 372 = 999
protection (which is not the case in most other years)

we continue with this result by 3.14

627.372 x 3.14 = 1969 94808

153 is the 8th reversible triangular number.
666 is the 8th palindromic triangular number.

The reference '808 'decision has stays on the site of an Indian scholar.

1969 94 (4-9) (8) 153 vs. 666 (8)

I remind you the result of this alphanumérisation, which is one more sign. Anthony

against the devil 222 666 1998.
August 10, 1998 the 222nd day of the year.

I was born September 4, 1969 (9 4) mirror symmetry 4 9.

To date this remains an enigma code, it didn't solved struts.

This code is divine, extra terrestrial, gateway space-time, I leave you to your beliefs. One thing is sure, if I had not had this revelation, I would never get this code on my machine to calculate. Kabbalah, gematria, alpha scanning, all that would remain unknown to me.

This code is authentic, he is studying, as it has a testimony, a story behind it.

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Will therefore m'argumenter cons by examples why my date of birth appears here, not the year 1982 or 1965.Par result, there is a book on the numerical code Pi , events are predictable and therefore codified alphanumerisation on tables.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Take one year at random, 1958, do the multiplication 2 times by 3.14 ..... here we come across another year, this time 1930.

So the number Pi, since now we have a history reasoned, thoughtful, reasoned, we have a digital key, which is why I said with touch of humor, I was the usb of God.

I pose a question: This code is it the beginning of understanding the matrix?

I am not prepared to do the check, because then I will have to provide other explanations for the rest, my permanent revelation with the 153, 1998 and many other things.

We are there before a mystery an enigma; researchers will find this code interesting, I am at their disposal.

They say that God turns to the pure in heart.

It's true that I went through my identity, my fight.

If I did all that now is by faith in humanity and love. If I'm fighting like a lion under the indifferent eyes of a society that is not awake, who takes me for a visionary, that's okay because now I know the way, the beginning of the instruction employment.

Hey, I moved to Paris publishers insolvent, hit hard by the recession, in bankruptcy, to expand a little anus, that they would get a bit shit that they have before their eyes. When will the edition of DoigtdeDieu.com?

I note that following my items synopsis, 2 years ago, more than 10 publishing houses in Paris, and after 3 months of waiting, none of these homes had received my letters .... Well , where have my synopsis, then? Etc, etc ,....

I also dedicate this update to all those who have censored on their forum. To all those who have censored in other ways more vicious.

four words come to mind:

Ignorance Jealousy
Small minds

Cheers men .. His lack of Testosterone while ca.

With this update, a nice little scoop all those people. Anyway

become again Christians. Receive

things initially not understood and that over time open before you, this was for me a proof of love is an act of love to receive such things.

The Apocalypse is the revelation of thugs, rebels, rebels, those who had talent and who have remained by the roadside. To those there, unruly children, I tell them: "Open yourself to the truth, the Light of Christ, the forgiveness of sins is in your hands."

To those who make a tour through this blog and are in search of truth, I tell them that spring always come back, there will always loom over us for some hours, for a few months to a few best years.

Through the dark paths, our weapons will be the Light, the re-connection to the Divine.

For the rest of the adventure, I trust in humans. People are not stupid, it makes them weak and in a life of more harder in that looks like a vast jungle, make efforts to understand the laws of the world is not very rewarding, and not always easy to understand.

If someone is not recognized, and I do, distinguished among other things, called by his name, claimed in its evolution, in a word like it is shrinking to the point of dying of isolation. I wish you to live surrounded by a group or community.

What I'm saying, I show, everyone can feel it, I give it to grow.

Sometimes I say you should have your tongue, do not try to understand. But

the call was so loud I could not resist these amazing discoveries and the thirst for knowledge, I just got an email from a user that tells me it's normal that your story is hard to pass, c ' is enormous from beginning to end, your journey is Hollywood.

So wait, but may also be that this story is only for me.

The etymology of the word gives us chance Arabic az ZABR (dice game) or the Arabs do not believe in chance because everything is written mektoub, a song full of meaning.


(If it crashes through this link to read live on You Tube)

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Before concluding, I thank "head in the stars" who always was there to make this blog is an extraordinary person, full of knowledge and common sense.

Thanks also to Neo and the others will follow ....

Here with me you're away from forums that abound in fairy tales, which reigns as the unchallenged thinking.

courage and lucidity.

Me I did not ask, I found nothing.

We who have been initiated into the truth by the Light, we become the advocates of Christ.

We are men and women in action among the forces of the universe, if you want to see God, study the Kabbalah.

We are all children and all the Heavenly Father, not exclusivity.

French is the language of the End Times, that revelation. It takes you through all the other languages, to vérité.L Latin alphabet (AZ) today owns an asset that can be make Hebrew default al, namely that the one used in the majority of humanity. What he

conferred, considerable potential which only need to serve those who possess the keys.

'Beni ha elohim "Translation of Hebrew, the son of god' = 153.

Christ alone is the glory

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I am now able to go further in our understanding of synchronicity. All this is intimately linked to the date of 13.11.2004, the day of my revelation .

My research led me to develop my own Kabbalah. For some examples, I'll show you what nobody has yet figured out today. You are a conundrum.

All I demonstrate that I have received and understood by the Holy Spirit and the figures of the Holy Bible.

From the start, the Parisian editions deny me any publication, logic, I do not suck. All facts related to intellectual debate, any dissemination of my site on the internet are also banned me. So I would argue more and explain nothing (see my website to understand the genesis of my Apocalypse).

"You have received, freely give"
(Matthew 10.8)

The key of David (the Angel of Philadelphia)

9 Tables, alphanumerisation are necessary for the key. The abundance of
222-666-1998 trinity - is impressive.
When I performed my work, if the spring has more than 70%
This percentage, this statistic does not exist, it is unique.

Odds t-statistics of these sequences are after a report that put just delivered by 2 statisticians "A statistical Impossibility! 1 / 3, 650,000,000

Software Gematria Tables-9-9-9 dies truths.



The truth of the Alpha and the Omega cons Lucifer = 1998-666
How many in the world have had a revelation? How many
anthony in the world tilts the 10/08/1998?
(222) Wake up, this story is unique in the world. How many
anthony t she had a story in 1998? Exactly
August 10, 1998 by 3x14 = 1969 4 9.

rebel Anthony = (table opposite) 222 666 1998. Anthony

against the Devil = 222 - 666-1998 ( ENORMISSIME )

The assembly words and often revealing, the numerical index: Anthony

Jesus = 153 -513 to 135 - The number celeste = 153.
Once again a message about predestination. The combinatorial
of 153 gives the year 1998 (the mystical elan)

You understand now why she pourque have
does not debate with moi.Cette history disturbs many thinkers. A man who inspires
just give them the lessons of science.
You understand now why I am censorship.
I challenge anyone, even NASA to give me an explanation
what I demonstrated, I opened a new path, the PI code is cle.La 222-666-1998 trinity is the lock, the matrix of large architect. "An elected official is a man that God's finger jammed against a wall" (Jean Paul Sartre)

For love, forgiveness, jesus reclaimed the rights.
By revelation, he gives the key to heavenly truth.

Jesus Love Forgiveness = 222 666 1998 Amen

If nobody answers, it s that I have a huge force against me. We'll see who
of light and evil have the last word.

I ask a question to be intellectually honest, so you can understand the codes of the matrix:

"Is your name with the result is the same?!

"If one year out, that would be it related to events in your life? "

ROOT 17 153.

Seventeen Malediction = 97 36 1 +2 +3 +4 = 666 ....... 36

Anthony Blessing 9x7 = 97 = 63 = 63 St mirror 36.

August 10, 1998 the 222nd day of the year (666 222 = 888 jesus)

666 x 3 = 1998 - Year of the Matrix 1998

Jesus said

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (...) There will be a road there paved a road, called the holy way; no unclean shall not pass, it will be for themselves and those who follow, though fools, shall not go astray. "The figure

Pi comes from Egypt, Pythagoras himself a devoted cult following.

Addition or Pythagorean sum of the first 17 numbers gives 153:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + ... + 17 = 153

My research led me to Egypt, I discovered that there is quite strange.

- I'm in synchronicity with Horus -

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We now know that we are in a matrix form with specific codes that announce upcoming events, from the beginning, I show many times on my site. I would ask a riddle a little more with Obama's speech in Philadelphia.

I pass today with a blog for this update because I'm CENSORSHIP paranormal sites, search engines, etc. ...

Because of this, I'm late, I promised the code Pi, the first half of the year, we Here are a few months late.

We're in a matrix that operates by cyclicity, the 153 is the cornerstone of this system. When I wrote on my site: the prophet of Marseille 2007, I knew full well what I wrote. My Apocalypse allowed me to understand the Matrix.

You will understand the codes of FDJEUX.

When I wrote 3 years ago back, the prophet of Marseille 2007, I knew that I were guided and that I have a new gift. I became clairvoyant at times through my Kabbalah since I predicted that assassination attempt would take place during the quinquennium of President Sarkozy, we are already present at 2.

What I said was done.

Panic at the airport in Tel Aviv

The second attempt took place during the Tour de France, a mine was placed on the passage of the President Sarkozy, for security reasons, we gave it all away in the chopper, he did not attend the day's stage.

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In 2010 it will be in grave danger ....

C is what you a Matrix?

For me the matrix is a cyclical phenomenon which is written in an unconscious manner by specific actions that are caused by man himself or by a superior force.

If so, they are no longer benign.

I demonstrate this a little further to the second subjection. Who said Creating necessarily Creator said, where there is a creation, there is a creator.

The same creator has schematized with its creation of rules (nature, science, chemistry, etc.).

With the second subjection, I demonstrate a 153 on the synchronicity President Barack Obama.

Synchronicity can be defined as "a simultaneous occurrence of two events related by meaning and not the cause." Two events that seem related but nothing which, combined, take on significance in the consciousness of the witness.

We will not here address the recent emergence of this conundrum yet little studied, but which has already been analyzed some relevant experts. What is surprising are the numerous cases that illustrate the synchronicity in life every day for highlights and episodes of history disconcerting.

The accumulation of coincidences - or resonances - the most notable came in the columns of the Daily Telegraph crossword. Just before the Allied landings in Europe, the D-Day June 6, 1994. The codewords which designated the various operations were perhaps among the best kept secrets of the last war.

The code name of the overall invasion plan was " Overlord (Overlord).

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(click for larger image)

The Naval Operations, " Neptune." We called both the Normandy beaches where American troops were to land, Omaha and Utah . And artificial harbors that would be installed on the beaches, Mulberry (Mulberry).

The first code word appeared in the solution of crosswords

5775 Daily Telegraph, May 3: UTAH . The second

, May 23: OMAHA .

The third MULBERRY May 31

The fourth and the fifth major, both on June 2, four days before D-Day: NEPTUNE and overlords.

M 15 was asked to investigate. The crossword puzzle had been composed by Mr. Leonard Sidney Dawe, a teacher, who lived in Leatherhead, Surrey. It was over twenty years the senior author of the Daily Telegraph crossword. He did not know they used code words, and had not the slightest idea of how they were to him came to mind.

From this striking example, we ask a common question: What

foreshadows my revelation, my method ?.... The mystery is there.

We have information that is increasingly present around our news. Let's start by Spain, the Valencia subway derailment Station Jesus (can not be created) July 3, 2006, caused the deaths of more than 30 people.

In Madrid, 21/08, 153 was an air disaster victims.

The balance is terrible Madrid plane crash which happened on Wednesday at the airport Barajas. According to authorities, officially, 153 people died in the crash of the flight company Air Spain, three of them French. The plane, which was Las Palmas in the Canary Islands left the runway while attempting to take off. There are 19 survivors.

19 hijackers for the attacks of 9 / 11, we reverse the Matrix.


When I read this story, I told my entourage "now it will fall series."

This is what happened throughout the world, with as many perilous landing in the week in Europe. See also my chapter interview, I stated already the signs on the plane crashes. A few years later, here I am still in the real ...

I also specifies that a person had a bad feeling during take off that airplane. He wanted to get off the device and it has prevented, he immediately sent a text message to his wife in which he expressed his foreboding. This person was called Mr. Santana, an anagram of Satan.


The 153 is indeed a blessing or a curse, the spell has not been the same for Simon Peter's sister. The 153 is a signal, the code matrix that sends us messages. Our creation is based on mathematics, God is not an old man with white beard seated on a throne.

In Corsica, at the Corte Rally, a car struck a bridge and cons tore the legs of a spectator. When I saw the car number was visible on its roof, I was not surprised again with the result, she wore No. 17. The national

made a slaughter with many accidents in Corsica has the number 198 = 98 9 +8 = 17 = 153 = 23 = 72 X 3.14
I would come back on 27 which is very harmful.

The addition is Jacob's ladder
The multiplication is the Blessing
The division is the subtraction is
Evil Destruction

August 10, 1998 = 222nd day of the 666 years: 3 = 222

Hope against despair = 888 (jesus in Greek)

begin to enter the Matrix, I'll show is huge.

I call this operation, the calculation of the Methodists, as Jesus breaks the bread:

666 = the mark of the beast jesus

74 = 36 = 1 +2 +3 +4 .... + 36 = 666

666 x 74 x 36 = 1774224 = 1774 224 = 1998

666-3 times the figure 6: the fullness of imperfection, evil, the man who is perdition.L god, who has decided his place of good and evil.

The number "303" is the hallmark of my digital dollar equivalent at the "eleventh of September two thousand and one"

I remember seeing, like millions people live, the faces of demons in the midst of smoke in the plane crashes into the Twin Towers. According to leading experts psychiatrists, we have seen just what we wanted to see ...... So, again, we are taking to quiche.

Make your opinion (my revelation is built to support the dollar)

A video among many others (see between 26/29 seconds)

The next World Trade Center, will height of 541 meters.

exactly 1776 feet - [541 + 541 + 541] = 153

Must be seen, possible civil war has come.
(Debate on the channel France 24)


The New World Order soon: http://www

.dailymotion.com / relevance / search / attali + the + new + order + mondial/video/x8k42a_jacques-attali-nouvel-ordre-mondial_news

There are 200 million firearms in circulation in the U.S., if america still in turmoil, violent social explosions are not as craindres.Faut has us believe that the global geopolitical dislocation n no struts carefully orchestre.La stock market crisis is the beginnings of t it a 3rd world war or a 2nd American civil war?


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http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance / search / bigard 911

July 4: declaration of independence of united states of america-eleventh of September two thousand and one = 303-1776 222 = 1998 -1776 = 538 x 303 128 = 666.La crisis from 29 to 1776 + 153 = j 1929.Ce argument demonstrates that although the 153 is the number of celestial herald crisis or benediction.Are you ready ..!

No chance for the monetary system at the meeting of April 2.

Synchronicity G = twenty London 315 (we know its value)

Apocalypse Now = 153 mn - See the press review to include:


Updating permanent press review "Radio here and now"

C is in the story that we have the answers to the failure to follow, some on April 2 in History:

-deposition of Napoleon Prime incident in tests of the Titanic-The United States declared the 2 nd World War in 1917-the Falklands War.

The seal of the USA was officially established on 1 May 1776

1 May (5th month) 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 21 = 3 - 1 5 3.

Jesus' = 74 to 74 date total 24 H - 24x74 = 1776 hours -

The addition of all permutations of the number 206 gives:

Value Name of the Eternal in Hebrew 26 (the uniqueness of the message)

206 + 602 + 062 + 620 + 026 + 260 = 1776.

1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 ... +26 = 351 + 153 +135 +513 +315 +531 = 1998

In alphanumerisation Hebrew "I am the Lord your God" = 153.

The Multiples of 111 666 (1776 to 1998 )

Pi - P The 16 th letter of the alphabet - 111 x 16 = 1998

Dollar "Novus Ordo Seclorum" = 1665 + 111 = 1776

Faced with so many signs and dates that keep coming back we are the more coincidences in hazardous phenomena, something prepare.Nous starting to see the tip of iceberg.Cela looks irremediably.

"The Sign of the End of Time" T9 (Not the End of the World) = 2007

C is in 2007 that I realized the synchronicity.

"You Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased " The

10.8 / 1998 we were 222 days of the year.

August (8 th month) 222x8 = 1776 to 1776 + 222 = 1998.

My revelation was triggered from a U.S. dollar.

My date of birth of the miraculous catch + + 98.

153 + 4 + 9 + 69 + 98 = 333
888 (Jesus) x 303 = 269 064 = 333

666 x 74 = 49 284 = 333
333 x 2 = 666 to 333 x 3 = 999 anti Beast
222 X 9 = 1998 333 x 6 = 1998

Anti Beast
153 x 888 = 135,864 = 999

calculations summing several pages will be more explicit when people want change and grow, when I would not be censorship, I'll be there.

You never see me on the evening of the Strange on TF1 and yet this was indeed the Versailles home for 6 months ... now the signs are back. Other witnesses were present during the incident.

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Do the same with your date of birth and years of your choice ... etc. (2004) year of revelation.

figures mirror

1969 + 1998 + 1776 + 2004 = 77 47 - 47

mirror gives 74 so 77 74 -

Jesus a numerical result of 74 as Lucifer (222) All

both compete in 222 August 10, 1998 - 666 Year
mystical -

Result of 77 74 = 151 Christ the King by His light will always be the winner wrong understanding of the array by divine science chiffres.La Gematria relay the spirit.

Calorie Counter Arc Trainer

No need to have a Pay pal account to donate, thank you

"The current crisis is a crisis of ignorance"

The first site Genesis history of CENSORSHIP.


We have the right to be ignorant but only for a time. Beyond that, it is simply con!

Being very severely censured, highlighting a revelation that gives me more and more arguments to the son of passing time, it is with some delays that I make this update.

Since the beginning of my revelation, I have not abandoned my writing and I do not deny this truth, the future will prove me right, since the Internet arrived on my Apocalypse, the world is falling apart at great speed V, crises and successive accelerating.

The quest for the truth will be our way, our victory.

I need not appeal to a system that does not want the truth.

To me this is not a guarantee of good health to be integrated into a society deeply sick. Those understand my writings, and they multiply by ten every month, we know that here we are on the path of truth, not truth, but we despise A vérité.On, wake you, Are No More as statistics, products, sub shit.

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The samples taken from patients in hospitals or in community centers has identified 153 influenza viruses since the resumption of surveillance set up in early September, of which 37 are type A (H1N1).


http://olivierdemeulenaere.wordpress.com/2010/01 / 11/crise-annees-2010-dix-episodes / # more-567

Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate economist, believes that the risks of a return to recession in late 2010 are "30 to 40% ". The former chief IMF economist Simon Johnson says that "we are preparing for a huge disaster." In November, Societe Generale has sent its wealthiest clients an argument highlighting the risk of a "global collapse", a global market collapse.

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153 vs. 666 - the miraculous catch - The mark of the beast.

153 - 351 - 135-513 - 315 - 531 = 1998

Triplet 4 - 6 to 7 operations combinatorial

666 x 666 x 666 x 666 = 196 741 925 136
and therefore 196 + 741 + 925 + 136 = 1998.

"Throughout history man has asked: where do we come from? That we are where we going?" He scanned the sky and saw the stars, watching the land and its cyclic changes . Multitude of questions unanswered, he devised codes, symbols as a universal language "

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Numbers are powerful archetypes of the collective unconscious, they may appear as a sort of turn signals, signs warning of fortunate events, or otherwise fâcheux.La understanding of synchronicity is beyond our understanding because the facts are generated by an order acausal, the metaphysical connotations, and sometimes mystical, well located outside the methodology scientifique.J have discovered methods of coding that applies in neutral texts, the Bible and many other supports.La understanding the laws of the universe, and especially of quantum physics is that n has its debuts.Sortez of ignorance open your minds, my work, my writings are of a biblical simplicity. http://www.dailymotion.com/search/quantique/video/x8cwo3_physique- quantique_creation

"There is no chance (for compilers that word does not exist) there are only appointments that you can not not read "

" I prove that this code is global, that it exists in all languages, the presence of numerical schemes structures obeying a divine inspiration, it is no longer a prouver.A this, we need to to date the complete matrix of humanity, no less, made your own research, al using your native language, you also put in a position to receive the divine "

http://lilifloria.blogspot.com/2008/10/le-code-secret-de-la-bible. html

We are currently in an intellectual system faschisant, I note that our president continues to denounce the single thought, but there has never been so many lies, misinformation of blackout on information since his arrival in pouvoir.Les major media are completely anesthetized, I think in the coming years, the clock will be painful.

Some false truths are deliberately spread in the media to test al national or even global, the public, its ability to react, his critical faculties and ultimately his ability, to assimilate them as being partially or fully authentiques.Ils we must abandon ignorance, there is no one side of the wicked and the other the bons.Il are those who possess knowledge and those who do not.

My destiny, it is true, my life path is quite strange, chaotic. Me from this beautiful land of Corsica. We who were at one time in charge of security of the Holy Father, Guardian of the Holy Spirit. The only units for the state and directly order were those of lord Papal Guard established in 755, when the gift of Corsica to the papacy by Pepin the Short (gift confirmed by Pope Adrian I. to Charlemagne in 800). It is in 1663 that Louis XIV imposed dismissal Guard Corsica after a pitched battle that pitted it to the soldiers of the Embassy of France.

All people are elected, there is no exclusivity. As the Bible says, there will be awake and others. All connections are now possibles.Nous must know we will, c is the price of the reconnection divine.

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I remind you of a text the Old Testament, Book of Daniel:

"You Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many run to and fro and knowledge shall increase "

The Jewish people was the first chosen people in the biblical sense.

A nation of prophets, shepherds, who guard the flock guide others.

But it should interpret the term as an elected official, not as a privilege but rather as evidence, they are guardians of a past alliance with God to be His witnesses.

I note that she is Muslim eschatology impressive details. Other nations have also guided but were otherwise in their time. They had knowledge of quite extraordinary, it was the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Sumerians with the famous texts of Mesopotamia .... etc.

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- Bosnian pyramid -

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My history seeks to raise awareness of what become the place of man against the Divine, what are the connections still possible and what new connections via my Apocalypse.

What I want to understand for those after reading this site for over 7 years now is that we are in a matrix pre-programmed.

Where there is a creation, there is necessarily a creator, there is necessarily a superior entity that has pre-formatted the world we live in using the laws of biological, chemical and math.

So this great programmer used a program, it is revealed thus in the digital age, the divine figures are revealed in greater numbers, the end of time.

So says the prophet Daniel in the Old Testament.

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The signs are there, you just need to decrypt them.

I already showed on my site, chapter: the nation's love of double synchronicity of Simon Peter's sister tied at 153. There is a code on President Obama which I would add in the second part, note that my revelation comes U.S. ticket.

We know with the addition of this code in Part 2 (coming soon on the blog) if Barack Obama is a Blessing or Curse in the Matrix?

The 153, I demonstrated for over 7 years, is the number referring to the Matrix.

He has not landed by chance in the Bible, no chance with God.

Hey, speaking of landing, one that just took place in New York in an emergency, is a new sign, a truth more.

The accident occurred at 15:03 local time (9:03 p.m. GMT) shortly after take-off from the airport in New York La Guardia, according to U.S. Airways.

15 h 03 after Madrid, is a constant 153, Benediction, here everybody comes out unscathed, which was not the case in Madrid. Today

25 fevrier/02/2009 come from a crash to take place in Amsterdam on board 135 passengers (135 = 153) after madrid with 153 dead after the landing of Hudson at 15:03 in disaster, we are in a constant, 153 is the cle.Les facts are stubborn things, there's something that is wrong.


(bahia interview on TF1 50 minutes inside)

Bahia bakari a Nee August 15, the Comoro black virgin:


153 people was on board the flight orly - Moroni crasch was doing .. The 152 victims, the 153 th is a new miraculee.Toutes these synchronicities, demonstrates the accuracy of my research, we are faced with a message, there is a force which la.Ce is the most extraordinary in this story is that c bahia osmosis is complete with the 153 .. Mektoub! Since the early AIR crasch why the 153 is why omnipresent.Ici 152 deaths, there would have been 145 deaths and 8 survivors .. Not 152 deaths and the 153 th passengers of Flight IY 626 had the divine grace on her. One hundred fifty three

= 227 th day of the year, feast of the Virgin.

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Bahia commoriens means "luck" sole survivor of flight 626.

Today June 29, 2009, an Airbus A310-300 crashed Tuesday in Yemenia sea near the Comoros with 153 people on board ... The identity of the miraculous crasch of Comoro, bahia bakari turns 13 on 15 August .. We now know that on our calendar, alphanumerisation "one hundred fifty three" gives 227, August 15, "Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin" .. My writings are a reference to the global phenomenon of synchronicity. The book of Daniel is open, the end of time, we have to know read the Kaballah maintenant.Faisons with Bahia bakari she had the 9 / 11 on her. from vowels, we have an edifying matches. Bahia = A = 1 I = 9 A = 1 Bakari = 9 / 11

December 23, 2009-A plane s crushes during his landing, 153 people on board.


http://indyposted.com/7967/american-airlines-737-skids-off-runway- in-jamaica /


Let's take a detour into the world of cinema:

I am very pleased to see the movie "PREDICTIONS" with Nicolas Cage in April 2009, this film is a synthesis of facts by the numbers, what I explain, I argue for over 4 years.

And then they write me, they call me to tell me: "damn, what's that movie? It is your story is what are you talking about since the beginning!"

Yes my friends, we all know that Hollywood uses his films to get the truth.

I am very happy to hear that Nicolas Cage in the trailer that the figures do indicate future events, after the rest, not having seen the film, we must extend the soup with a story just abracadabrantesque.Je see the film, the story like the road, as science centers around the world are on red alert, watching closely the eruptions solaires.Ce scenario is consistent with the 3rd secret of Fatima Strange ...!

==== ==== http://www.lejardindeslivres.fr/ndapocalypse.htm

Let's go to the matrix, we are at this conclusion: The

numbers are formatted in the future to announce the facts, and therefore a higher entity has programmed. For me the Matrix is a mathematical force that interacts with what he gives.

These are the men that create the future and not God, the future is pre-programmed. The future belongs to us.

If we had stayed close to the divine laws, we would not be here. We're away ... there will be Apocalypse.

Simply put: you're on Windows, you had a bug, crash, it restarts.

So to get the key to the program, simply reconnect.

Synchronicity for me is the essential element of this connection divine.Un new code that demonstrates that we are at the end of time, I invite readers to visit the genesis of the story, to understand my writings. They will realize the power of the decoding matrix, we must have assimilated the elements of this revelation has to decode your turn.

We know that in the Apocalypse of St. John, the mark of the beast has a numerical score of "666" brand of corruption, vice, sins of the Hebrew homme.En the Internet address of "www" has a matches of 666, in french language to reveal the result of a www 23-23-23 (23 letters of the alphabet) the result in alphanumerisation, we demonstrated the truth of the french well as "twenty three" will result 153.La = ENORMISSIME be, we now know that 23 = 153 = 23 will take this option generates a truth more www = 666 - 27, being a multiplier of cyclicity, a example (74 x 27 = 1998 jesus lucifer x 27 = 1998) This gives us the mystical year, chance does not exist.

In both Jewish Kaballah or French language, we get the same result, the uniqueness of the whole message.

W 23 W 23 W 23 (232,323) X 27 = 62 72 72 1

TOP START 8 9 9 1 = 1998 ======= the mystical year.

I would be very surprised, that it nothing happens in the coming years that's shaken the balance in the world.The signs are flashing red for over 4 years.

We are in a cycle == Three hundred and fifty = 2009

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This update will assist those who want to understand the connections of my story, they are multiplied by a factor, the abundance of biblical numbers that multiply constantly on me are legion, and we're here in a repetition of digits, like a red light flashes alerting you to the key matrix, 153, the number of heaven.

I ask a question nonbelievers. We believers have faith and have the answer. The number 153, written there are over 2 000 years a holy apostle of the Lord, John.

John the mystic, the writer of Patmos.

Soldier of Love of the truth, of light, the giver and the key that opens the door to life eternal. This number amounts to 153 which abound in this ever-Apocalypse.

Coincidences, divine sign or sign of the End Times ....

In terms of my story:

I sincerely think that if I had not had so much synchronicity and rehearsals, I would not go further when they are multiplied by 10 and 30 still the letters are in perfect harmony with the figures, there is something there?

When they are on other people or other events, again flashing lights ... we speaks with the numbers. For me, God is a super computer math .... it's not a white-bearded old man sitting on a throne.

When you get to a rectangle of light illuminates for 6 months your door (and others)

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When you do the Hebrew cabala, without understanding a single word of Hebrew, the day on Friday saint, thus finding your first approximate synchronicity French and Hebrew, then there is no chance. There is a force that speaks to me, communicating and are not the only examples ....

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For codes of the Bible, this matrix was discovered by a scientist working at the NSA, the U.S. intelligence services, I explained that he was responsible for the decryption code, considered by his peers as a mathematical genius. Her background strengthens his theory.

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Let's go to the womb, I show synchronicities in English, French. If they must be found in English, Russian or Chinese, we will find them. We are here before the beginning of a huge building site research, which is why being a key, now that I need to decode supports me all the while.

messages, the Matrix, the codes are not a Jewish exclusité, they exist in all languages, they are here among us in our daily lives. The Hebrews were a people guide.

is a true revolution, I propose the word revolution and there is evolution, evolving understanding of the world to grow and reconnect.

since then I show the genesis of my story up This syncronicités all of my revelation with the miraculous catch, I explain why, the how of things. I developed a very strong form of Intuition related figures who later opened my eyes to syncronicités.

we can see on the blog rating and match lists on which I worked.

Then I'll put it simply, why I show it with lists or FDJEUX pmu is that I simply can not show you otherwise, I can not do using fractions or other since I do not even know how a division, multiplication. This

is my strength, my light, I am inspired, I am guided.

We'll see with a result that will make pmu date.

So this one, with what I show for over 4 years, will have sport in neurons. I will not say anything, I will not comment on the result but if we are in a matrix program, this result should announce something, no?

It will be the same with the ATOMIC bomb shelter that I will later I'll explain. There, I had no time (Part 2 coming soon).

Being very conscious of always being very intellectually honest, because I assert nothing I have the key but I have yet to debate and personal enrichment in order to grow in the phenomenon of syncronicité, this is due to my confidence, cowardice and blindness of men, but already at the base, just with my own intellectual resources, it demonstrates what I Enormissime.

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I'm live via EQUIDIA.

There I bump my synchronicities, I shows a screen shot: a gain of 1757.80 obtained simply by 1 day, 4 races, when it works, because we are in cyclical phenomena, the gains are impressive silver with a simple starting 50 euros.

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Whether the odds and match or any other demonstration of the game, it works by cyclical phenomenon, if you have found the synchronicity of game of the week or day at the races it goes very fast in earnings.

I earn good money on the sites of Paris with my Kabbalah. I say again, I play by following my rules. But there is a computer program to create with synchronicities and FDJEUX pmu.

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(click images to enlarge)

So when I work, I live on my pc, I work myself without my synchronicities préocupper ratings, the number of runners, jockeys and especially not horses.

So for example the East Meissa is quite extraordinary (see my screenshot).

As there are 15 minutes between races, the remainder of my time to understand the coming races because nothing is written in advance, just as written and as the races progress through the meeting.

So that day, to paraphrase the great team of commentators EQUIDIA, in this July 2, meeting 2, 4-stroke in Chantilly, I was on a sync gave me these two horses to come up with a high rating, the first was 28 against 1 and the other east to 43 Meissa cons 1.

30 seconds before departure, without knowing the name of the jockey, the horse because I just concentrate than numbers, the race starts, I watch live, boom # 9 wins the race.

With over EUR 15 651 of beneficial! ... Then I continued my day punter, I took another 200 euros and that's my day was over.

the evening at 21 pm, I return to the site of the PMU for me to redo the finish line and my winnings and then I come across the name of the horse Meissa East, anagram: East Messia .... the Messiah the East.

But what is most extraodinaire not win with a horse at 40 to 1 against, is the name of the horse is in perfect harmony with my writings and especially, especially after the arrival 1 5 3 East Meissa ..... the Messiah of the East 153

See the blog on the capture screen and gains from the finish.

What we want to tell me that? What is the message?

Reread a sentence of Pope synchronicity carl jung:

"The numbers are powerful archetypes of the collective unconscious, they may appear as a sort of turn signals, signs warning of fortunate events, or rather unfortunate "

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= 303 (mark my U.S. dollars) America collapses.

How many chances on billions of dollars in circulation, whether the "303" ..? How many chances on hundreds of millions this time so that the numerical result is the "eleventh of September two thousand and one" Welcome in the matrix.

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the beginning was the Societe Generale
Bankers And power was higher than that of God
Societe Generale was in the beginning of the bankruptcy
And all things were made by her, and nothing has been done has been done without elle.Kerviel was sacrificed on the altar of profit for banks.

But the angels came down to earth and lit their light work of others banquiers.Mais No bankers have not noticed.

They continued as if nothing had happened
They threw hundred thousand people on the street every week
They forced the layoff of millions of people each month
Then the light of Angels burned their wings bat And
September 29, 2008, was a celebration among the angels
And the Dow fell of 777.7 points.

hundred fifty-three = 777

For it was the feast of All Angels and a bad day for the Demons, the announcement of the series of cracks in Babylon.
Millionaires of today will be tomorrow beggars
Bankers of today will be tomorrow woodlice
Because in time, a time and a half-time, money raptors will be worth nothing. Meanwhile in berlin barbara cashier, is returned to 1.30 euros.


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In every family has a nickname.
Mine Barak = blessing as an Arabic in Hebrew.

This is strange synchronicity, a few years later ..

When I was arrested in 1998 in the garden of Pharo in Marseille, the head of the police commando was a former member of the GIGN, November 20, 1979 he entered Mecca, the holiest site of Islam, reinforcement of a very tense situation.

http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prise_de_la_Grande_Mosqu% C3% A9e_de_la_Mecque

In 1998, why one member pointed out to me that story?

Normally when an arrest is the most total blackout. This
even the only words addressed to me during this arrest;

6 years later we have a multitude of signs relaying my revelation.

All this is multiplied by 5 and 10 over a far decryption. Before
many multiplications of synchronicity, chance na no place, we have only one god. The

, there is an energy, a force, a light that communicates ...!!

"Wherever fate seems to play on the surface, it is still under the sway of hidden internal laws, and it that is to discover them. "

EAST MEISSA = 9 1 5 3 (the messiah from the east)


It is a description of the Heavenly Jerusalem in the Apocalypse of St. John, chapter 21 and John was less 22.St qu'arithmologue Kabbalist in the ancient sense of the word. And indeed, the measures of the Holy City incorporate symbolic numbers that are found among the Egyptians (normal. ..) and also the Sumerians.

The Bible consists of 17 books "Prophetic": 12 Minor Prophets, 4 major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and Ezekiel) and finally the Apocalypse of St Jean.La sum of the numbers 1 to 17 is 153, a number Bible.

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(click image to enlarge)

Contact Msn: code153@hotmail.fr

meaningful coincidences are thinkable as pure chance. But as they accumulate, the correspondence becomes more accurate and further, the probability decreases and they become more and more unthinkable, ie it can no longer be regarded as mere coincidence, but in the absence of any possibility causal explanation must see in them the manifestations of an order. (CG Jung, "Synchronicity")